Photoshop developments part 2:

A lot of editing was needed to make the image of the model work well on the poster. I had to remove the background using the Quick Selection tool, as she would be placed on a plain white background and needed to blend into this.

The wine bottle needed to be replaced with a pair of scissors, to tie in with the theme and title ‘Rough Cut‘. To do this, I zoomed in on the area, and adjusted the rubber tool to a small brush so I could carefully remove the small areas around the model’s hand. Now the bottle had disappeared,  I was able to insert the image of the scissors on a separate layer. By clicking on that new layer  it allowed me to place them where the bottle had been, as if she had been holding the scissors in the original shot.

I also thought she would look better with the angle of the shoe above her if she was completely rotated to face the other way, as she would match the poster’s layout more. Here is a screen shot of how I achieved this:

~ by Joey Ash on March 23, 2011.

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